We share Chapter II, Ethics and Governance of LMMs in Health Care and Medicine, from the WHO publication "Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence for Health." Conceptually, the governance of LMMs involves applying current and new legislation, ethical principles, human rights obligations, and codes of practice. The development of LMM algorithms is continuous and so fast, which requires that most governments now seek to ensure their socially beneficial use through appropriate governance. Leading AI companies also advocate for careful development despite commercial pressures and competition for technological supremacy.
Ethical principles and human rights must be prioritized. It involves a series of decisions across the AI value chain, from data collection to application deployment. The WHO guide defines three stages of the AI value chain: the design and development of foundation models, defining services or products, and deploying healthcare applications.
(Ref: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240084759)